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Annual Accounts
Please click on the image to the left to download our Annual Accounts for 2017.


Download the gift aid form for donations this year and

any donations you may make in subsequent years.


Download the gift aid form if you only want to make one donation.


Funding Lydcare

We are always in need of help. You can support Lydcare financially by making some form of donation either as a one off gift or by regular subscription. Remember that by completing a 'Gift Aid' form tax relief on the gift is available which can add significantly to the amount donated. You could also consider leaving a legacy to Lydcare in your will.


By helping to finance us, you will be part of an ever-increasing number of people who want to see the charity develop either by extending the range of services or by adding to the facilities that are currently available to the residents.


In addition to direct giving you could consider raising funds by organising an event, such as a sponsored project (e.g. swim, walk, ride or tournament) a garden party, a charity bring-and-buy sale or a cheese and wine evening.


Gift Aid Information

The Chancellor in the April Budget 2000 announced new measures to make support of Charities easier and cost effective for taxpayers. The old version of Gift Aid required a minimum gift of £250 for a charity to claim tax on your gift. That sum was often too large for would-be donors.


The New Gift Aid has changed things considerably. No lower limits are imposed now. You can give £10 or £1,000 or any other sum, and the Trust can reclaim tax on your donations. Here is more good news - you do not need to say in advance how much you will give, nor is there is a commitment to give for four years as in the old scheme. The New Gift Aid system has cut out paper work. You do not need to fill in a form each time you make a gift - one form does it all, for this year, next year and for as long as you continue to contribute to the Charity.


To be eligible for the Gift Aid Scheme the only condition is that you must pay sufficient income tax and/or capital gains tax, at whatever rate, to cover the amount of tax reclaim on your giving. For example, if you give us £100, you must have paid at least £25 in tax.


If you sign the Gift Aid Declaration form and return it to Lydcare we can claim 25p for every pound you give. You can cancel this declaration at any time by writing to us. Please remember that you must cancel this declaration if you cease to be a tax payer.


Please consider this method of increasing our Lydcare income. It's not everyday you can choose where your tax goes.





You can help Lydcare to make a vital difference to lives of others within the Forest of Dean. You may not be able to donate your time, but you may be able to donate to us financially. Every gift, not matter how small will always be gratefully received.  Thank you.

MB Services 2020

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